Oh, the heat! After a delightful weekend with comfortable temperatures, the heat settled in again yesterday and will be making itself at home through this weekend. These hot summers are part of the reason we homeschool through the year since we'd be inside anyway. Even the pool feels like a hot tub in these temperatures.
We've had a pretty good week so far. School by day and reading and watching retro TV shows by night. Last night we went out and played Pickleball, despite being well into the 80's at 930 at night! Our highlight so far was Saturday night. We are part of an English Country Dance group consisting of fellow homeschoolers, friends, and their families. We had about 200 people come out. Our caller was from Virginia -- new to us, but he did a great job and a good time was had by all. We hold a dance every 5-6 weeks, so our next one will be in September.

And that's all for now. I'll round up the week later this weekend.